In the summer of 2014 a lunch meeting with a local chaplain led my husband to check out the Covenant College job board. He emailed me the specifics of an admin job that seemed to fit my skill set.

Through my time as Administrative Assistant to the Chaplain at Covenant College I shared these experiences on a previous blog, (Thankful for CovenantTime and My Relational LandscapeLunch Ladies and L’Abri).

I learned a lot about how to process life with others while at Covenant. There is a great deal of value in asking questions that cannot be answered with a yes or a no. Often times the best thing to do is sit quietly so words recently spoken can bounce around, circle the room, reverberate and be heard by the speaker themselves. It’s important to remember I don’t have to have all the answers when I have the love of Christ to love with, the Holy Spirit to listen to and a common goal of obedience encompassed with redemptive grace. I’ve been blessed to see patterns in life’s happenings that seem to have no connection until you watch them spiral to core issues where they can be grasped and ripped out of the deepest and darkest recesses of human hearts. The process of discipleship brings such rich joy. Learning with others how to obey and seeing God be faithful to sanctify has renewed my faith many times. Through these years at Covenant, students reminded me that loving others is my jam and one of my favorite parts about being me.

Leaving my job at Covenant was one of the hardest things i’ve had to do. But I was also very excited. I have a whole 20ish years to dedicate to a new career and I can’t wait to get started!

If the dandelions in my yard would remain small yellow flowers that are contained, organized, exactly where I want them to be, they would be easier to appreciate. The unpredictability of their future is what’s frustrating. They become balls of fluffy seeds ready for the wind to swoop up and take far far away (or straight into my well groomed flower beds where I will curse them, dig them up and throw them into the woods). We rarely stay at jobs we love forever. Life brings important people into our relational landscape long enough to alter us, teach us, love us and then they go do something else somewhere else. Children learn, grow, have their own ideas that separate them as individuals with a plan of their own. I’m learning to be thankful for the time that flower was bright and contained and to appreciate the gift it is to watch the wind blow it’s seeds around.